
Does Every Session Look the Same?

No, each session is always tailored to the moment, the person, their needs, and the specific problem at hand. We always choose the tools that will be most supportive, guided by the energetic process. Sometimes we delve into previous incarnations, while other times we address energetic cords in relationships. We might explore the inner dynamics of our subpersonalities—their wounds, needs, mechanisms—and how to reconcile them, embracing all parts and finding the center. At times, we look for underlying patterns that produce recurring difficult situations in our lives. We may use bodywork or embark on shamanic journeys with the help of a drum to seek visions and answers. Other times, we employ coaching techniques to support change in everyday life. Each session is absolutely unique.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

The number of sessions required depends on what we are working with and how complex the subject is. While just one session can make a huge difference, most often, several sessions are needed. Some individuals find that regular work over a longer period works best for them, scheduling sessions every 2 or 3 weeks until they feel the transformation they seek. Trust yourself and feel what will best support you.

Will Multidimensional Healing Transform Everything in One Session?

Some people ask this question, hoping that because this method allows us to go so deep and through dimensions, it will heal everything at once and create a miracle. While profound changes can occur, healing is a gradual process that requires time and persistence. It's a journey of self-healing and self-discovery, and even one session can bring profound change and transformation.

Will It Work If I Don't Believe in Previous Incarnations?

This is a very common question. I've worked with quite a few people whose worldview completely rejected the existence of previous incarnations, and in their case, it still worked. We can treat images that appear during the session as symbols from our subconscious, allowing us to find solutions on a metaphorical level. What matters most is the meaning you give to what you see.

How Long Is the Session and How Much Does It Cost?

Due to their energetic nature and the fact that we work on many levels simultaneously (mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic), these sessions typically last 2 to 3.5 hours and cost $220 per hour. You can check for discounts on our website.

Change into the Soul's Perspective

This work offers a change in the way you look at your life, helping you find the perspective of the soul and its journey rather than the ego's limited viewpoint. This perspective often brings a release of tension, a deeper sense of joy, and trust in the process, allowing you to consciously steer your life in line with your soul's purpose and create a life full of real meaning.

Does Quantum Healing Replace Therapy?

In my experience, it doesn't. This type of work primarily supports individuals who have already "worked through" and healed to some extent their basic level of relationships with parents and childhood experiences. It can further advance their journey.

How to Prepare for the Session?

It is good to spend some time with the questions below. You don't have to find answers to them, but it's worth asking them so that your psyche can start preparing:

  • What is my intention for this session?
  • What is the topic I need to meet with?
  • What needs healing?
  • What needs to be seen?
  • What needs to be released?
  • What needs support?
  • If everything is possible, what would I like to be given this session? It is also important to plan the time in such a way that after the session, you have enough space for yourself, where you don't have to do anything. Just after the session, and sometimes even the day after. I like to say that you need to treat yourself as if you have just undergone energetic surgery—which this work kind of is. Especially, sessions of working with previous incarnations can be very strong on an energetic and emotional level and often require quiet time for integration afterward.

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Frequently asked questions

Inregration of therapeutic, shamanic
and energetic healing tools.  


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220 $/ hour
210 $/ hour (in program of  more then 5 sessions)
200 $/ hour (in program of more then 10 sessions
(Sessions normally last 2-3,5 hours.)

This is a holistic, multidimensional, and interdisciplinary approach to healing, integrating therapeutic, shamanic, and energetic levels of healing. One of the most effective methods of work I know

This way of shamanic energy work allows  to heal areas that are difficult to reach otherwise. By tapping into the deep layers of our unconscious, we gain access to cellular, emotional, and energetic memory and can find where our pattern began. In our childhood, other incarnations, and family history.



Session can conssis of


  • healing childhood trauma
  • healing relational patterns
  • clearing karmic patterns
  • healing of previous incarnations
  • restoring lost fragments of the soul
  • clearing and transfrming ancestral patterns
  • cutting toxic connections with people
  • removing implants and other "unwanted" energy interferences
  • cleansing and reprogramming DNA
  • activating dormant DNA
  • connecting with the Soul's Purpose
  • inner alignment (integration of parts of the personality)
  • lightbody activations and recalibrations
  • spiritual mentoring
  • and many others

What people say...

"I have been in contact with so many therapists, shamans, bioenergotherapists but no one but you has seen what you have.  Finally becoming aware of it was a milstone on my path. Now I feel free and ready to finally fulfil my destiny.  "

"Olga has a gift for connecting people to their own healing power. She creates a beautiful, safe space in which you find answers and solutions yourself. And this is far more important to me than the deepest knowledge imparted by someone else. It builds a sense of my own power. It feels great!!!

The combination of wast knowledge, deep intuition, clearly seeing through dimentions but also great sense of humour and therapeutic skills I really appreciate and variety of methods she is using, allows very fast and deep changes."

Multidimensional Healing

Heal the past, transform karmic patterns, and create a more fulfilling life. 

Benefits of
Multidimentional Healing

  • Greater access to personal gifts and inner wisdom

  • Increased energy through releasing negative chording to people or places

  • living more fully present and grounded in your daily life,

  • Increased feeling of wholeness through inviting back soul parts

  • Feeling a greater sense of personal power and emotional balance

  • Feeling more grounded and a greater sense of trust in life and in your personal journey

  • Feeling more love for self and others

  • Allows more love into your life,

  • Recovers personal power,

  • Helps to bring a sense of purpose and meaning back into your life

  • Generates more creativity,

  • Helps to enrich and renew relationships,

  • Helps to access your inner guidance and wisdom.

  • Greater clarity and insight

  • Allows more love into your life,

  • Helps to bring a sense of purpose and meaning back into your life

Tools and methods
we might use during session

  • Past life regression

  • Ancestral work

  • Soul retrieval

  • Shamanic Drum Journeing

  • Akashic Record Reading

  • DNA reprogramming

  • Internal Parts harmonising

  • Trauma informed nervous system recalibrating

  • Body work

  • Breath work

  • TRE (Trauma Relesing Exercises)

  • Dance Movement Therapy

  • Art Therapy

  • Energetic Healing

Find primal roots of your patterns and transform your life

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s unbecoming everything that isn’t you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~ Paulo Coelh

By going deep, we gain access to the cellular, emotional, and energetic memory that is stored there and find places where our life patterns initially formed. We are then able to release, change, or modify them. This frees the life energy stored in these patterns and makes it available for us to create and live more fully. These unconscious layers we work with include:

  • childhood
  • ancestral history
  • other incarnations
  • other dimensions
  • parallel lifetimes and timelines
  • collective programming

This is one of the most effective methods of work I know. When we become aware of the primary cause, we can release the past and cleanse the karmic patterns and blocks that manifest emotionally, spiritually, and physically in our lives. We can heal the traumas and remove imprints from our energy system and DNA that cause the creation of further similar experiences. 

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Unlock Your Soul's Purpose
and Original Blueprint
of your Potential

Healing Space