
How an Akashic Records Reading Session Looks


Live or Online

We meet (online or in person) for 1 to 1.5 hours. During this time, you explain your situation and questions, and I conduct the reading for you. Answers, explanations, inspirations, and healing insights flow through. After the session, I send you an MP3 recording so you can revisit the important and precise information later.

What Answers Might Come:
The information that comes is what you most need at this time, which will best support you in your current moment of life and growth, and that you are ready to receive. Sometimes, the things we want to know don't come because the experience itself is more important for our journey. Answers to yes or no questions usually do not come. It's also important what we ask, why we ask, and how we formulate the question. They will not tell you what to do; rather, it shows you options, potentials, and consequences. It provides more data to make a decision but does not dictate what decision to make.

Is One Session Enough?
Readings from the Akashic Records are a tool for development and expansion of consciousness, supporting your path. It's beneficial when you feel the need for support, inspiration, a broader/deeper perspective, or healing. Like any tool, it works best when used regularly and as needed, though even one session can bring clarity to your life situations.

A reading also serves as an excellent introduction to a Multidimensional Soul Healing session, allowing you to map out the territory to work on before the session. Understanding the causes of your problems and potential places for healing. These two methods together yield great results. A reading from the Akashic Records provides access to information and understanding from the Soul level, while Multidimensional Soul Healing equips you with the tools and methods to heal and transform.



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Frequently asked questions

$220 per hour (sessions usually last 1 to 1.5 hours)

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What people say...

I have no idea how Recods knew what I needed now.  But when I did what they suggested, things really started to change. I was able to end a really difficult period in my life. Not immediately, of course. But they showed me a clear way out of something that before seemed like an inescapable prison. I’m grateful beyond words.

I had a few readings with you, and each one of them is staying with me for a long time. Symbols and pictures that are so full of meaning that I listen to the records many times, and I listen to the records when I need uplifting, when I need to remember my path. It's priceless support.

I was crying listening to reading. Tears of joy, of release, tears of being deeply seen and understood. Seeing myself from the higher perspective, through the eyes of unconditional's such a different way then I see myself. I must say it was quite revolutionary.



Your personal records explain everything: your soul characteristics, specialties, gifts, life lessons, and how to use them for empowerment so that you can have more success, happiness, and peace. Reading the Akashic Records is like being given the keys to a secret treasure chamber. The door was there all along, you just needed to unlock it."

~Debbra Lupien

"Through the Akashic Records you can get the answers you seek. Heal the healing you desire and experience the joy and love that will move you from a mode of struggle for survival to a state of flourishing and co-creation. 

~Gabrielle Orr

An encounter with the wisdom, knowledge,
and memory of your Soul.

Precise navigational system from your Soul in:

  • understanding your path
  • finding direction in life
  • understanding your purpose in life
  • finding path of biggest joy and fulfilment
  • connecting to your power and medicine
  • helping with a life decisions
  • finding support in a crisis situations/
  • transforming of old patterns
  • healing whatever needs to be healed
  • evolution of consciousness
  • understanding your relational patterns
  • recieving inspiration for yor work or creative projects
  • connecting with your gifts and understanding them
  • understanding and releasing karmic entanglments
  • transcending your karmic patterns
  • finding a reason you are here
  • Understand repeating patterns in your life and in your relationships
  • Recognize blocks in the way of achieving your goals

Remember that your stay here has a purpose and you are never alone. Access to the Akashic Records will help you discover that purpose and remind you of your connection to the divine element.``

~Gabrielle Orr

Sample questions to Akashic Records that may inspire you:



  • What knowledge is most important to me
    at this stage of my life?

  • What do I need to know to align with my soul's purpose?

  • What should I know to remember who I really am and what I came here to do?

  • What should I know to benefit most from this event/meeting/relationship/investment?

  • Is there anything that I should

  • free myself from (judgment, fear, anxiety, superstition) in order to benefit most from this event/meeting/relationship/investment?

  • What is this situation teaching me?

  • What is the deeper purpose of this experience and what should I take from it?

  • How can I free myself from this problem or challenge?

  • What do I need to know to experience peace and balance in my life?

  • What should I know in order to achieve success?

  • What definition of success applies to me and how can I apply it to my life?

  • What are the underlying causes of changes in my health?

  • What should I know to change these causes and create health and well-being in my life?

  • What is the purpose of my relationships and how can I align myself with that purpose?

  • sample questions from Gabrielle Orr's Book

How Akashic Records can help you?

You can ask for guidance in all areas of your life you need support and understanding with

  • About your current life situation
  • The soul lessons you are currently learning
  • About relationships and their deeper purpose
  • About the contracts we have with other souls, the goals and potentials of the relationships we are in
  • About the career path, about our gifts to the world
  • The spiritual and emotional causes and meanings of illness
  • What is important to us in the moment
  •  About patterns that are recurring in our lives
  • Basically anything that is important to us




What is Akashic Records Reading?

Also known as Soul Reading is an extraordinary method of connecting to the knowledge, the wisdom of your Soul. Where you can get answers to any question important to your growth. And support on your path. During a Reading you receive information about the causes, effects and potential solutions to your important life issues. You have the opportunity to understand the patterns that create your reality and the lessons your Soul is learning.

What are the Akashic Records?

They are an information field, an "energy library", a vibrational record of your Soul's history. Otherwise known as the Book of Life, it is sometimes compared to a giant computer storing all the information about the journey of every Soul on Earth. Your Akashic Records contain all the knowledge your Soul has gained and are available to support your journey now.

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Akashic Records Readings

Akashic Records - energetic blueprint to your Soul’s Essence

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